domingo, 9 de setembro de 2012

"Junk" DNA Holds Clues to Common Diseases
With the new annotation of the human genome, researchers are finding that most of the code between genes is controlling crucial functions for life and health

Click here for the article. 

1 According to the text, the ‘blueprint’ is/was:
(A) the name of the group ahead of the experiments.
(B) is very complicated but fully comprehended by scientists.
(C) a newly catalogued switches not activate and only de-activate genes.
(D) the mixture of human DNA with mice DNA.
(E) a project to put together a set of letters that make it up.

2 The group known as ENCODE are trying to
(A) comprehend the elements of genome and how they act in union.
(B) not to understand the elements of genome and how they work together.
(C) publish a project about the draft of human genome.
(D) find how bad the “junk” DNA could be for humans.
(E) decipher what genetic switches and functions have to be common within and among these diseases.

3 According to the text:
(A) John Stamatoyannopoulos is a doctor at the University of Washington’s School of Medicine.

(B) Richard Myers has autoimmune disease.
(C) junk DNA are not bad at all.
(D) Blueprint is has not been put together.
(E) junk DNA are very bad for humans. 

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