This tragedy will be the Critical Reading Text of the week.
According to the text:
(A) Neil Armstrong died in his home town.
(B) Col. Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. was the commander of the mission to the moon.
(C) Six hours and a half after landing on the moon, Mr. Armstrong opened Apollo's gate.
(D) Armstrong was 58 years old when he first landed on the moon.
(E) The doctors announced his death.
In the sentence by Neil Armstrong, "Houston, Tranquillity Base here... The Eagle has landed." the word "Eagle" is referring to:
(A) The spacecraft, "Apollo 11."
(B) The American symbol, "a bird."
(C) An aircraft, "X-15."
(D) A Navy ship .
(E) The spacecraft, "Gemini 8."
In which war did Neil Armstrong fight?
(A) The war in Iraq
(B) The Korean War
(C) The Vietnam War
(D) The Civil War
(E) World War II
Underwent- (Past of Undergo) To experience or to go through something. [submeter-se a]
Indelibly - Something the lasts forever, permanently. [indelevelmente, permanentemente]
Unscathed - With out injuries or harm. [ileso, incólume, são e salvo]
Achievement - To have completed one's goal. [realização]
Outpouring - to overflow, to exceed its' limits. [efusão, derramamento]
Remarkable - something that catches the attention. [notável, estraordinário]
Scholarship - a free contract to study. [bolsa de estudos]
Resolve - (NOUN) the will to accomplish something, determination. [resolução, determinação]
Ingenuity - the quality of being cleverly inventive or resourceful. [engenho, talento]
Though - (Conjunction) although, however, yet, and nevertheless. [embora, no entanto, entretanto e não obstante]
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